All I do these days is read. On second thought, all I ever do really is read. I love it. Although, while schoolwork takes all my time, I don't get to read much else than school material. That's the only form of reading I don't enjoy. Except for when the english teatcher hands us the 1439 pages long novel, The Stand by Stephen King. Oh, I'm in heaven. No wonder I haven't done any blogging this week. My only inspiration at the moment is people choking in snot and that sort of stuff. There's also been quite cold outside lately (pretty much constantly since October, but especially since January). It's not normal. Even for Iceland. Being as greatly in love with tights as I am, it can be torture. Thankfully, I know just the trick to avoid getting a cold and choking in my own phlegm - wear three tights at once!
Tea is also good when you're cold.
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